Weizenbaum Institut (Berlin, Germany)
16 January 2025. PLAMADISO Talks. Presentation of 'Gatekeeper in Check: Gatekeeper Power and Policy under the DMA'.
Concurrences (Madrid, Spain)
9 January 2025. Moderator at private dinner on Interoperability and Competition in Mobile Ecosystems.
Asociación Española de Derecho de la Competencia (Madrid, Spain)
25 November 2024. Jornadas Anuales de la AEDC. Speaker at Panel III - Developments in the Digital Markets Act.
FIBGAR (Madrid, Spain)
21 October 2024. Curso de actualización en materia de derechos humanos en el marco de la Unión Europea. Presentation of 'El Reglamento de Mercados Digitales: El impacto en la libre elección del consumidor'.
European University Institute (Florence, Italy)
18 October 2024. 2024 Autumn Conference of the Centre for a Digital Society - The Digital Markets Act One Year After: Where Do We Stand? Speaker at Panel 1 - Gatekeepers Designation: Lessons Learnt After One Year.
IE University (Madrid, Spain)
27 September 2024. Lawtomation Days - Third Edition. Presentation of 'The Secret (Metrics) of DMA's Success'.
African Competition and Consumer Protection Centre (Nairobi, Kenia)
30 July 2024. Presentation of 'Asymmetrical Regulation: What Makes (or Breaks) a Gatekeeper: Lessons for the AfCFTA and COMESA Competition Regimes'.
Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina (Lima, Perú)
19 July 2024. II International Seminar on Digital Markets, Artificial Intelligence and Community Competition Law. Presentation of 'The Extraterritorial Effects of EU Regulatory Processes on Latam and Analysis of the Subregional Impact of Community Harmonisation in Digital Markets'.
Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina (Lima, Perú)
18 July 2024. II International Seminar on Digital Markets, Artificial Intelligence and Community Competition Law. Presentation of 'The Workability of a Regulatory Framework Based on Digital Ecosystem: A Comparative Analysis of Digital Regulation'.
© Wolfram Merger.
University of Würzburg (Würzburg, Germany)
4-6 July 2024. ASCOLA 19th Annual Conference. Presentation of 'The Requisite Legal Standard of the DMA's Designation Process'.
Frontier Economics (Brussels, Belgium)
19 June 2024. Speaker in 'The DMA in Action: What Have We Learned So Far'.
L'Oréal (Paris, France)
12 June 2024. Speaker in 'Finance & Legal Day Destination 2030 workshop'.
International Association of Constitution Law and the ICON-S Digital Constitutionalism Research Groups (Florence, Italy)
12 June 2024. Competition Law, Fundamental Rights and Powers in the Digital Age. Co-chaired with Giovanni De Gregorio.
Deep-IN Research Network and I-Com, Istituto per la Competitività (Rome, Italy)
4 June 2024. Presentation of 'Vertical Interoperability in Mobile Ecosystems: Will the DMA Deliver (What Competition Law Could Not?)'.
Universidade Católica do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
14 May 2024. 8th Anniversary of the Market Competition Law Review - Competition Law Challenges in a Digital and Sustainable Market Conference. Presentation of 'The Internal Aspect of the DMA's Fragmentation Objective'.
ELSA IE University and IE Law School (Madrid, Spain)
25 April 2024. European Union Law Conference - Speaker in 'Panel 1. Legal Balances Stricken in the DMA and the DSA'.
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (Washington DC, United States)
18 April 2024. Speaker in 'The DMA in Action: Early Effects and Global Reach'.
Autoridade Nacional de Comunicaçoes - ANACOM (Lisbon, Portugal)
11 April 2024. Suplemento de Ferro Series - Presentation of 'The DMA in Practice: Goals and Enforcement'.
Competition Policy International (Washington DC, United States)
9 April 2024. Kick-off speaker in Private Breakfast with Enforcers with a focus on 'The direction of mobile ecosystems and antitrust enforcement'.
Digital Markets Research Hub - University of Newcastle (Newcastle, United Kingdom)
2 April 2024. Drawing the Boundaries: the DMA and National Law.
Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles - IEB (Madrid, Spain)
15 March 2024. The Digital Markets Act in practice (Study Seminar 3). Presentation of 'The Requisite Legal Standard of the Digital Markets Act's Designation Process'.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Católica Global School of Law (Lisbon, Portugal)
22 February 2024. Law and Tech Lecture Series Seminar. Presentation on Digital Platform Regulation - 'The DMA's Odyssey and Ithaca - Goals and Enforcement'.
Article 19 (Brussels, Belgium)
23 November 2023. DMA Enforcement between Opportunities and Challenges. Presentation of 'Collective Actions and the DMA: A Bird Without Wings'.
Article 19 (Brussels, Belgium)
22 November 2023. DMA Enforcement between Opportunities and Challenges. Presentation of 'The DMA's Ithaca: Contestable and Fair Markets'.
Instituto Análisis Económico del Derecho de la Universidad de Palermo (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
9 November 2023. Ley de mercados digitales europea. Presentation of ''La senda del efecto Bruselas en la DMA en Latinoamérica".
Weizenbaum Institut (Berlin, Germany)
2 November 2023. PLAMADISO Talks. Presentation of ''Data Marketplaces and the Data Governance Act: A Business Model Perspective". Available link of the talk, here.
Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia)
26 September 2023. Presentation of the 11th issue of the Latin American Law Review. Presentation of 'The Brussels Effect of the DMA in Latin America'.
University of Bocconi (Milan, Italy)
6-7 July 2023. 4th APELIA Annual Conference: The Global Dimension of the Digital Revolution. Presentation of 'Rocking the Contestability and Fairness Foundations: Multi-Level Governance and Trust Relations for Futureproofing the DMA’s Effectiveness'.
National Kapodistrian University of Athens (Athens, Greece)
29 June-1 July 2023: ASCOLA 18th Annual Conference. Presentation of 'The Circularity of Consent in the DMA: A Close Look into the Prejudiced Substance of Articles 5(2) and 6(10)'.
University of Maastricht (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
22-23 June 2023: #COMPIPinDigiMarkts2023: Sustainable & Digital Competition on the Merits: A Comparative and Inter-disciplinary Perspective. Presentation of 'Rocking the Contestability and Fairness Foundations: Multi-Level Governance and Trust Relations for Futureproofing the DMA’s Effectiveness'.
University of Mannheim (Mannheim, Germany)
25-26 May 2023: 2023 Annual Conference of the Competition Law and Economics European Network (CLEEN). Presentation of 'The Circularity of Consent in the DMA: A Close Look into the Prejudiced Substance of Articles 5(2) and 6(10)'.
University of Liège (Liège, Belgium)
11 May 2023: 60 Years of the EU Legal Studies Institute. Presentation of 'The Impending Task of Cross-Jurisdiction Coordination in Competition Law: Is the Lotus Still Blooming?'.
University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
14 April 2023: DigEUCit Conference – A Digital Europe for Citizens. Presentation of 'If I Could Have, I Would Have: Data Governance and Trust in the Implementation of Article 5(2) of the DMA' (forthcoming publication).
Digital Markets Research Hub - University of Newcastle (Newcastle, United Kingdom)
23 February 2023: Why the Video-Gaming Industry is so Important for Competition Law.
University of Glasgow (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
17 February 2023: CREATe Roundtable on Videogames and Antitrust.
University of Hasselt (Hasselt, Belgium)
16 December 2022: Young Legal Researchers Conference 2022. Presentation of 'In the Interest of Legitimacy or Lawfulness? Processing of Personal Data at Odds with The Scope of Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (Case C-621/22)'.
University of Rijeka (Rijeka, Croatia)
9 December 2022: Rijeka Doctoral Conference RIDOC 2022. Presentation of 'Control Point Analysis Applied to the Google Privacy Sandbox'.
Andean Community General Secretariat (Lima, Peru).
22-23 November 2022: First International Conference on Digital Markets and Community Competition. Presentation of 'Interacción entre el procesamiento y colección masiva de datos con el Derecho de la Competencia'.
University of Chile (Santiago de Chile, Chile)
3-4 November 2022: Cuarto Encuentro Anual Semillero Sui Iuris de Estudiantes de Doctorado y Jóvenes Académico/as 2022 . Presentation of 'Control Point Analysis Applied to the Google Privacy Sandbox'.
Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências e Inovações (Brasil)
20 October 2022: 5th International Conference on Competition and Innovation. Presentation of 'A Map on Cross-Jurisdiction Coordination: Applying Comity to Competition Law'.
Erasmus School of Economics and Erasmus School of Law (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
14 October 2022: ECEFG Competition Policy Workshop 2022: Big Tech in Competition Policy: Perspectives from economics and law. Presentation of 'The Facebook/GIPHY divestiture: The (new) first of many?'.
University of Koç (Koç, Turkey)
30 September 2022: DIGITEUL Conference: Competition in Digital Markets. Presentation of 'An Inverse Analysis of the Digital Markets Act: Applying the Ne Bis in Idem Principle to Enforcement'.
University of Torino (Turin, Italy)
28 September 2022: Digital platforms: rethinking regulatory strategies. Presentation of 'The Facebook/GIPHY divestiture: The (new) first of many?'.
University of Bonn (Bonn, Germany)
25-26 August 2022: EULEN: Young Researchers Platform Roundtable. Presentation of 'The new lanterns laws: The mainstream bias of facial recognition technology'.
University Villanueva (Madrid, Spain)
14 July 2022: Una nueva legislación para la Europa digital: la DSA y la DMA a examen. Presentation of 'An Inverse Analysis of the Digital Markets Act: Applying the Ne Bis in Idem Principle to Enforcement'.
University Católica Portuguesa (Porto, Portugal)
31 June-2 July 2022: ASCOLA 17th Annual Conference 2022. Presentation of 'Trading Off the Orchard for an Apple: the iOS 14.5 Privacy Update'.
EUI (Fiesole, Italy)
9-10 June 2022: UoP-EUI 2022 Conference: Surveillance, Democracy, and the Rule of Law. Presentation of 'The new lanterns laws: The mainstream bias of facial recognition technology'.
University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
1-2 June 2022: SCOTLIN Early Career Scholars Symposium. Presentation of 'Decent bargaining power for the self-employed'.
University of País Vasco (Bilbao, Spain)
26-27 May 2022: Congreso Internacional y VII Jornada de la Red Académica de Derecho de la Competencia: “La regulación de los mercados digitales y otros desarrollos recientes del Derecho de la Competencia”. Presentation of 'It’s (not) a Match! Apple’s In-App Purchase functionality scrutinised by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets'.
University of Graz (Graz, Austria)
12-14 May 2022: UNITOPIA: Digital Transformation as Democratic Moment. Presentation of 'The new lanterns laws: The mainstream bias of facial recognition technology'.
Spanish competition authority (CNMC) and University Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain)
November 2021: V Congreso sobre Derecho de la Competencia y Regulación. Derecho Administrativo Sancionador y Regulación Económica: nuevos retos en el ejercicio de la potestad sancionadora sobre las personas jurídicas. Presentation of 'El artículo 49 de la Ley de Defensa de la Competencia: el principio de priorización y problemas persistentes en vía contenciosa'.